Tuesday, October 18, 2016
For library Database Management System
You want to set up a database
for the books in a library. Purely for the sake of illustration, suppose the
library contains 14 books. The same discussion would apply to a library of
perhaps a few hundred books. Table
1-1 shows the LIBRARY_FLAT database in the
form of a single table.
Columns labeled AuID and
PubID are included for identitification purposes, i.e., to identify an
author or a publisher uniquely. In any case, their presence or absence will not
affect the current discussion.
Here is one possibility for the
LIBRARY_FLAT example, which splits the original database into four separate
- A BOOKS table, shown in Table 1-2, in which each
book has its own record
- An AUTHORS table, shown in Table 1-3, in which each
author has his own record
- A
PUBLISHERS table, shown in Table
1-4, in which each publisher has its own record
table, shown in Table 1-5,
the purpose of which we will explain a bit later
Table 1-3. The AUTHORS
table from the LIBRARY_FLAT database
Table 1-4. The
PUBLISHERS table from the LIBRARY_FLAT database
Table 1-5. The BOOK/AUTHOR table from the LIBRARY_FLAT database
Table 1-5. The BOOK/AUTHOR table from the LIBRARY_FLAT database
The attributes of the entity classes in the LIBRARY database are:
Books attributes
Authors attributes
Publishers attributes
LIBRARY Relational Database
We can now complete the implementation of the LIBRARY
relational database (without
the Contributors entity class) in Microsoft Access.
If you open the LIBRARY database in
Microsoft Access, you will see four tables:
LIBRARY_FLAT table is not used in the relational database.)
These four tables correspond to
the following four entity classes (or table schemes):
- Authors
(AuID, AuName, AuPhone)
- Book/Author
- Books
(ISBN, Title, PubID, Price)
- Publishers
(PubID, PubName, PubPhone)
The actual tables are shown in
Tables Table 3-3 through Table
Table 3-3. The AUTHORS
table from the Access LIBRARY database
Table 3-5. The BOOKS
table from the LIBRARY database
Figure 3-7.
Relationships view showing various table relationships
Database System Architecture
There is no doubt that SQL is a powerful language—as far
as it goes. However, it is a somewhat unfriendly language, and it lacks the
sophisticated control structures of a more traditional language, such as For...Next...
loops and If...Then... statements.
This is not really a problem, since SQL is designed for a
very specific purpose related to database-component creation and manipulation.
SQL is not designed to provide an overall programming environment for Microsoft
Access itself. This role is played by Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
VBA is the macro or scripting language for all of the
major Microsoft Office products:
Microsoft Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. It is a
very powerful programming language that gives the programmer access to the full
features of these applications, as well as the means to make the applications
work together.
One of the major components of VBA is its support for Data
Access Objects model, (DAO). DAO is the programming-language interface for
the Jet database management system (DBMS) that underlies Microsoft Access. It
provides a more-or-less object-oriented data definition language (DDL) and data
manipulation language (DML), thereby allowing the VBA programmer to define the
structure of a database and manipulate its data.
Of course, it is natural to wonder why you would want to
use DAO, and VBA in general, rather than using the built-in graphical interface
of Microsoft Access. The answer is simple. While the graphical interface is
very easy to use and is quite adequate for many purposes, it is simply not as
powerful as the programming languages. The database creator gains more power
and flexibility over the database by directly manipulating the basic objects of
the database (such as the tables, queries, relationships, indexes, and so on) through
As a simple example, there is no way to get a list of the
fields of a given table (i.e, the table's table scheme) using the Access
graphical interface. However, this is a simple matter using programming
The following short program:
Sub Example()
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim fld As Field
Set db = CurrentDb
Set tdf =
For Each fld In tdf.Fields
Debug.Print fld.Name
End Sub
displays the following list of
fields for the BOOKS table in the Debug window:
This is a good place to discuss
the relationship between DAO and SQL. The fact is that DAO both uses SQL and
overlaps SQL. That is, there are many commands in DAO that can accept an SQL
statement as an argument. For instance, the following VBA code opens a
recordset (discussed later in the book) using an SQL statement to define the records
in the recordset:
' Get current database
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
' Write SQL statement
strSelect = "Select * FROM Books
WHERE Price=10"
' Open recordset using SQL statement
Set rsCheap =
On the other hand, DAO overlaps
SQL in the sense that many actions can be performed using either language. For
instance, a table can be created using either the SQL statement CREATE TABLE or
the DAO method CreateTable. The choice is up to the programmer. Our main
goal in the remaining portion of this book is to discuss the DAO model. Before doing
so, however, we need to set the stage by discussing the overall architecture of
a database management system, and of the Jet DBMS in particular, so we can put
DAO in its proper context. We will do so in this chapter and also take a quick
peek at DAO programming.
Database Systems
A database system is
often pictured as a three-level structure, as shown in Figure 7-1.
Figure 7-1.
The three-level structure of a database system
In fact, there are a variety of structures in which the
data might be stored, including hash tables, balanced trees, linked lists,
nested records, and so on, and the choice of data structure is not a simple
one. However, I will not pursue a discussion of the physical database in this
book. Suffice it to say that, at the physical level, the data is viewed as a structured
collection of bits, and the sole purpose of the structure is to provide
efficient access to the data. The physical level of a database is often
referred to as the internal level.
The conceptual database is a conceptual view of the
database as a whole. It gives the data a logical structure. For
instance, in a relational database system, the data is viewed as a collection
of tables, with column headings describing the attributes of the corresponding
entity class. Moreover, tables are related to one another through certain columns.
The conceptual model is intended to model the entire
database. However, individual users may be interested in views of only specific
portions of the data. For instance, in the LIBRARY database, a student using
the library's online database catalog is probably not interested in the price
of the book, but is interested in where it is located on the shelves. Thus, a
single database, such as LIBRARY, may need different views for the student than
for the librarian.
The highest level in the three-tier structure consists of
the individual views of the data that may be held by users of the
database. Views are also referred to as subschemes, and this level of
the tier is also referred to as the external level.
As another example, we can think of the Microsoft Visual
Basic programming language as providing an external view of the Jet database
management system that is geared toward database programmers. We can think of
Microsoft Access as providing an external view that is geared, not just to
programmers, but also to high-level users of varying degrees of sophistication.
After all, a user does not need to know anything about database programming to
create a database in Microsoft Access, although he does need to have a
familiarity with the conceptual level of a relational database.
Thinking of a database system as a three-tier structure
has distinct advantages. One advantage is that it allows for a certain level of
independence that permits the individual tiers to be changed or replaced
without affecting the other tiers. For instance, if the database is moved to a
new computer system that stores the data in hash tables rather than
balanced trees, this should not affect the conceptual
model of the data, nor the views of users of the database. Also, if we switch
from the Visual Basic view of the database to the Access view, we can still use
the same conceptual database model. Put more bluntly, a database table in
Visual Basic is still a database table in Microsoft Access.
Management Systems
A DBMS is a software system that is responsible for
managing all aspects of a database, at all levels. In particular, a DBMS should
provide the following features, and perhaps more:
• A mechanism for defining the structure
of a database, in the form of a data definition language, or DDL.
• A mechanism for data manipulation,
including data access, sorting, searching, and filtering. This takes the form
of a data manipulation language, or DML.
• Interaction with a high-level host
language or host application, allowing programmers to write database
applications designed for specific purposes. The host language can be a
standard programming language, such as C or Visual Basic, or a database
application language, such as Microsoft Access.
• Efficient and correct multiuser
access to the data.
• Effective data security.
• Robustness—that is, the ability
to recover from system failures without data loss.
• A data dictionary, or data
catalog. This is a database (in its own right) that provides a list of the definitions
of all objects in the main database. For instance, it should include
information on all entities in the database, along with their attributes and
indexes. This "data about data" is sometimes referred to as metadata.
The data dictionary should be accessible to the user of the database, so that
she can obtain this metadata.
Jet (?) DBMS
As the title of the book suggests, our primary interest is
in the DBMS that underlies Microsoft Access (and also Visual Basic).
Accordingly, we will take our examples from this DBMS, called the Jet DBMS or
the Jet Database Engine. The relationship between the Jet DBMS and other database-related programs, including
Microsoft Access and Visual Basic, can be pictured as in Figure 7-2.
Figure 7-2.
The relationships and structure of the Jet Database Engine
Microsoft's application-level products Visual Basic,
Access, and Excel play host to VBA, which is the underlying programming
language (also called scripting or macro language) for these
applications. (Microsoft Word Version 7 does not use VBA—it uses a similar language
called Word Basic. However, as of Microsoft Word 97, Word does use VBA.)
As expected, each of these applications integrates VBA into its environment in
a specific way, since each application has a different purpose.
In turn, Visual Basic for Applications is the host
language for the Jet DBMS. The Jet DBMS contains the DAO component, which is
the programming-language interface for the Jet DBMS. The DAO provides a
more-or-less object-oriented DDL and DML, thereby allowing the VBA programmer
to define the structure of a database and manipulate its data.
The Jet Database Engine is a collection of components,
generally in the form of dynamic link libraries ( DLLs), designed to provide
specific functions within the Jet DBMS. (A DLL is essentially a collection of
functions for performing various tasks.) The Jet Query Engine handles the
translation of database queries into Access SQL, and the subsequent compilation,
optimization, and execution of these queries. In short, it handles queries. The
Internal ISAM component is responsible for storing and retrieving data
from the physical database file. ISAM stands for Indexed Sequential Access
Method and is the method by which data is stored in a Jet database file.
The Replication Engine allows exact duplicates of a database to coexist
on multiple systems, with periodic synchronization.
The host languages for the Jet
DBMS, such as Visual Basic and Access, are used by database programmers to
create database applications for specific purposes. For instance, we might
create a Library database application, which a library can use to
maintain information about its books, or an Order Entry database
application for a small business. Incidentally, the Jet DBMS is also capable of
interfacing with non-Access-formatted databases, such as those with format
Xbase (dBase), Paradox, Btrieve, Excel, and delimited text formats. It can also
interface with open database connectivity to access server database applications across
Let us take a closer look at the
components of the Jet DBMS. We will study these components in much greater detail
in separate chapters of the book.
Data Definition Languages
We have already mentioned that a
DBMS needs to provide a method for defining new databases. This is done by
providing a data definition language (DDL) to the programmer.
A DDL is not a procedural
language; that is, its instructions do not actually perform operations.
Rather, a DDL is a definitional language.
The Jet Data
Definition Language
Example 7-1 illustrates the use of the Jet data definition language.
The code will run in Visual Basic or in an Access code module, so feel free to
key it in and try it yourself.
(Use a new database in Access,
since some of this code will conflict with the LIBRARY database that we have
been working with in earlier chapters.) The purpose is to create a new database
called LIBRARY, along with a table called BOOKS, containing two fields, ISBN
and TITLE, and one index. (Don't worry if some portions of this code don't make
sense to you at this point.) Note that Access uses a space followed by an
underscore character ( _ ) to indicate that the next line is a continuation of
the current line.
Example 7-1.
Use of the Jet data definition language
' Data Definition Language example
' Declare variables of the required
Dim ws As Workspace
Dim dbLibrary As Database
Dim tblBooks As TableDef
Dim fldBooks As Field
Dim idxBooks As Index
' Use the default workspace, called Workspaces(0)
Set ws = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
' Create a new database named LIBRARY
' in the default Workspace
Set dbLibrary = _
' Create a new table called BOOKS
Set tblBooks = dbLibrary.CreateTableDef("BOOKS")
' Define ISBN field and append to the
' table's Fields collection
Set fldBooks = tblBooks.CreateField("ISBN",
fldBooks.Size = 13
tblBooks.Fields.Append fldBooks
' Define Title field and append to the
' table's Fields collection
Set fldBooks = tblBooks.CreateField("Title",
fldBooks.Size = 100
tblBooks.Fields.Append fldBooks
' Add the table to the db's Tables collection
dbLibrary.TableDefs.Append tblBooks
' Create an index
Set idxBooks = tblBooks.CreateIndex("ISBNIdx")
idxBooks.Unique = False
' Indices need their own fields
Set fldBooks = idxBooks.CreateField("ISBN")
' Append to the proper collections
idxBooks.Fields.Append fldBooks
tblBooks.Indexes.Append idxBooks
As you can see, the clue that we are dealing with a DDL
are the commands CreateDatabase, CreateTableDef, CreateField,
and CreateIndex (in boldface for easier identification). You can
also see from this code that the Jet DBMS uses the collections to hold
the properties of an object. For instance, the fields that we create for a table
must be appended to the Fields collection for that table. This has the
advantage that we don't need to keep a separate reference to each field—the
collection does that for us. This approach is typical of object-oriented
Manipulation Languages
A DBMS must also provide a language designed to manipulate
the data in a database. This language is called a database manipulation language,
or DML. To the database programmer, however, the
distinction between a DDL and a DML may be just a logical one, defined more by
the purpose of the language than the syntax.
The Jet Data
Manipulation Language
Example 7-2 is Jet DML code to add two records to the BOOKS table, set
the index, and display the records.
Example 7-2.
Jet DML code altering the BOOKS table
' Data Manipulation Language example
Dim rsBooks As Recordset
' Open the database
Set dbLibrary =
' Create a recordset for the BOOKS
Set rsBooks = dbLibrary.OpenRecordset("BOOKS")
' Add two records
rsBooks!ISBN =
rsBooks!Title = "DB Programming
is Fun"
rsBooks!ISBN =
rsBooks!Title = "DB Programming
isn't Fun"
' Set index
rsBooks.Index =
' Show the records
MsgBox "ISBN: " &
rsBooks!ISBN & " TI: " & rsBooks!Title
MsgBox "ISBN: " &
rsBooks!ISBN & " TI: " & rsBooks!Title
As you can see even from this
small example, the DML is designed to perform a variety
of actions, such as:
• Moving
through the data in the database
• Adding
data to the database
• Editing
or updating data in the database
• Deleting
data from the database
• Querying
the data and returning those portions of the data that satisfy the query
Host Languages
Data is seldom manipulated
without some intended purpose. For instance, consider a LIBRARY database
consisting of information about the books in a library. If a student wishes
to access this data, it is probably with the intention of finding a certain
book, for which the student has some information, such as the title. On the
other hand, if a librarian wishes to access the information, it may be for other
purposes, such as determining when the book was added to the library or how
much it cost. These issues probably don't interest the student.
The point here is that a DBMS should supply an interface
with a high-level language with which programmers can program the database to
provide specific services—that is, with which programmers can create database
applications. Thus, when a student logs onto a library's computer to search for
a book, he may be accessing a different database application than the librarian
might access. The language that is used for database application programming
is the hostlanguage for the DBMS. As mentioned earlier, a host language may
be a traditional programming language, such as C or COBOL, or it may be an
application-level language, such as Microsoft Access or Visual Basic, as it is
for the Jet DBMS.
In fact, the Jet DBMS is so
tightly integrated into both of these applications that it is hard to tell
where one leaves off and the other begins. Put another way, it sometimes seems
as though Microsoft Access is the Jet DBMS, whereas it is more accurate
to say that Access and Visual Basic are front ends, or host
applications, for the Jet DBMS.
The Client/Server Architecture
The client/server model of a
database system is really very simple, but its meaning has evolved somewhat
through popular usage. The client/server model is shown in Figure 7-3.
Figure 7-3. The client/server mode example
Figure 7-3. The client/server mode example
The server in a client/server
model is simply the DBMS, whereas the client is the database application
serviced by the DBMS. (We could also think of Visual Basic and Access as
clients of the Jet DBMS server.)
The basic client/server model
says nothing about the location of the various components. However, since the
components are distinct, it is common to find them on different computers. The
two most common configurations are illustrated in Figures Figure 7-4 and Figure
7-5. The distributed client/server model (Figure 7-4), wherein the client is on one computer and the server and database are
on another, is so popular that it is usually simply referred to as the client/server
model. The remote database model (Figure 7-5) refers to
the case in which the client and server are on the same computer, but the database
is on a remote computer.
Figure 7-4. The
distributed client/server model example
Figure 7-5. The remote
database example
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